Thursday, December 14, 2006

Close ups of our teeth

So De was over tonight with her super-duper camera.

Both babies were happy to show the goods:

(Oh, by the way, Paige's SECOND tooth popped through today!)

Aren't they pretty??

We Are Family....

Just posting a quick picture!

Paige is in the red sweater, Leah in the white.

Monday, December 11, 2006

We've got teeth!! And one of us is mobile!!

Well, in Leah's case, that's old news. She got her first tooth about 6 weeks ago, and her second appeared a couple of days later.

But Paige was a little behind in the teeth cutting - her first appeared on Saturday.

Gone are my gummy babies :(

Here's Leah, showing off her pearly whites:

And Paige, not showing her barely poking through tooth (but cute none-the-less.)

And finally, Paul & Paige being silly:

And our last little bit of news is - Paige is on the move. As much as I hoped that they would hold off until at least Christmas is behind us, I suppose I really don't have much say. She's not quite crawling yet, but she is slithering and able to move around quite freely. I suppose I'll have to pull out the playpen again - arg! Ah well, it was inevitable, I guess. Leah doesn't seem to be at all even CLOSE to trying to move (I think she only rolled once in her 8+ months) but she may surprise us...we'll wait and see.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

A visit with Santa

Such a busy time of year - between Christmas parties and shopping and all, time is just slipping by. I can't believe Christmas is only a couple of weeks away!

Today we went to Bell's Children's Christmas Party. Little Ray's Reptiles, face painting, clowns, and .... SANTA! Oh bliss.

Peyton's been known for her attempts to convince others (her grandfather) to go tell Santa what she wants on her behalf - she's been a little too afraid to do it herself.
But today - she did it! Climbed up on his lap, stated she wanted the Little People Schoolhouse, she got a gift (Dora doll) and a picture taken, and it's all good.
The twins did very well - rather, all three did very well, considering we were missing the PM nap all around. Leah got a bit screechy towards the end, but if she didn't, I would wonder if something was wrong. Ha.

Paul & I have been out twice in the last couple of weeks for work parties - it's been a treat. Erin & Peter watched the kids last Friday night, and Rich & De watched them last night. No one missed us either night, apparently! (although I don't know how much Erin & Peter enjoyed the "poop up to her neck" gift Paige gave them.)
Rich & De have offered to overnight one of these days...we'll maybe take them up on it in January when the Christmas hecticness is out of the way. Having said that, I phoned De AFTER 10:00 AM this morning and WOKE HER! I can't remember how to sleep in, I think.

So that's the news for now - not too much to report.

And here are the kids....

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Sneak Peek at Christmas Outfits

We had a professional photographer come to the house on Saturday morning. I couldn't catch a pic of Peyton (thank goodness the photographer did) but here's a first glimpse of Leah & Paige.

Also including a picture of Peyton in her Christmas Nightie. :)

Nice Weather = Outings

Let me tell ya, we're happy to see a blue sky - this fall has been SO grey.

So we got out today - here's a couple pics.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Happy Birthday, Uncle Rich


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Water Babies

Well - they're just over 7 months old now - it's been a while since my last post.
Needless to say...we're busy! But also - where the heck did time fly? I keep thinking that it was just August - like, September & October....GONE!?!

Leah & Paige wrapped up their swimming lessons just last week - they passed Aquatots-1, and we're so proud to say that they did not miss one single lesson! Ha, I remember the days of getting Peyton ready and off to her seemed like such a big deal. Little did we know....
Paul & I (again) SINCERELY thank Rich for being the reliable (usually Paige) partner for the 9 classes. And also Erin, who stepped in the week of Paul's (minor) surgery.

The girls are sitting unassisted now - Leah started about a week and a half before Paige. This alone has made our lives a whole lot easier. They're quite happy to be sitting amongst a pile of toys and things to chew on. There are, however, little spats that occur on occasion, over a toy, typically. Leah, our gentle & sensitive angel, happens to be the more stong, aggressive toy stealer. But Paige is no pansy, she just moves on to something else. They've been reaching out to touch eachother too (or grab an ear, handful of get the idea.)

They continue to be very happy babies. They love company and are so responsive to kisses & cuddles - just the way babies should be.

Hallowe'en was fun this year. Peyton was a princess by day, and a rabbit by night. She had an absolute blast trick or treating. Paul & Rich started her off on the street, then Paul took her out to Erin's clinic, then out to his parents street. She woke up the next day asking to do it all over again! So we explained that it's done for a year, but CHRISTMAS is coming! Her response? "No Christmas. I don't like Christmas, I want Hallowe'en." Ha.

So I'm in the midst of figuring out what the heck we're going to do with these kiddies when I return to work - which isn't too far from now! A bit of a daunting task, but things seem to have a way of working themselves out, so not to stress, right!!??

Christmas shopping is also well underway - it's going to be such an exciting year. We're hosting my family for Christmas breakfast, then Paul's family will be here for dinner - busy, busy times. But thankfully, we wont be packing up and dragging the crew around. Really, that makes things so much easier (not to mention everyone will be napping in their OWN beds.)

Well...that's pretty much all I have time to add right now. I'll try to get a few more pics off, and will write more again soon.


Friday, October 20, 2006

A couple of short videos

Paige in the Jolly Jumper :)
View this video montage created at One True Media
Jolly Jumper

Lunch (Leah's the one "hissing")
View this video montage created at One True Media
Peas & Peaches

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Thursday, September 28, 2006


At least, I think we did. I'm writing this, right??

Leah Caitlyn & Paige Emily are 6 months old today!

And what an interesting 6 months we have had!

A very rough beginning - the first 8 weeks are a complete blur. No sleep, we were entirely in "survival" mode. Week 9 through about 12, the sleeping got better, but the evening "fussiness" was at it's worst. This was the time that we discovered the "Leah Scream"(tm.) Three months to now has been much better - Paul & I sort of got our lives, or a modified version of our lives back. And we really started to enjoy our new family. About mid-way through August, they started to get into a good daytime routine, which has made MY life about 1,000,000 times better.

Which brings us to present - 6 months. Wow! Our little darlings have passed a couple of milestones recently. 1) They moved to the BIG bathtub. In other words, we've retired the baby tub and have that little area of real estate back in our kitchen. And 2) We've sampled cereal! And it's a hit! Going on a week now, and it's SO FUNNY to see two completely different reactions.

Paige was initially put-off, but quickly came to enjoy it. She approaches eating like, well, like a cat, I guess. She sort of lifts her chin to the spoon and gently licks off the cereal. Hilarious.
Leah, well her first bite will be forever etched into my memory. I *think* she liked the taste, but wasn't too fond of the texture (which was VERY runny, by the way.) Every time we put a spoonful in her mouth, she dropper her jaw and just stared at us with confusion/disgust! Then she too figured out she LOVED it, and now she devours the cereal - bites the spoon and utters a little "uh" with each bite. As we did with Missy Peyton, we're taking it slow with solids, but at the same time, I can't say I'm not anxious for them to have their first taste of something a little less bland!

I wish I had the time to better express my feelings on just how exactly this past 1/2 year has been, but realistically, I HAVE TWINS and time is just a premium commodity these days!! But I'll sum it up like this:

These two little beings have changed me - personally - in ways that I could never have imagined. I've stepped away from the life I knew six months ago in so many ways - physically, emotionally, spiritually. They've taught me about what's truly important in life - to slow down and smell the roses, so to speak. My marriage - only 3.5 years in - is so very strong! Paul & I have eased into (or were thrust into) our roles as parents of three small children and we've handled it with strength we didn't know we had! I know that probably sounds pretty dramatic, but unless you've been here - toddler + twin infants - I don't believe you can really understand. Appreciate, maybe, but not understand.
But we're happy - living a life beyond our wildest dreams. TWINS! Like, what did we do to deserve that?? (read that in a positive tone, of course!) Who decided we had what it takes to do this?? :) We speculate...all the time...about what they will be like. In one year. In 5 years. As teenagers! And we're excited about the possibilities, challenges and opportunities with all THREE girls.

Before I sign off, I just want to (again) sincerely thank all the people who've stepped in and helped us since March ...

My mom - of course - who has done literally so much for us, that I cannot take the time to list it all. From the daily support (through to August) to the help "maintaining the household" to (and most importantly) the stern discussions reminding me that Peyton is just a baby herself...she has been an absolute Godsend. I only hope to be able to do for my daughters what she's done for us.
Paul's parents - who are there for us for whatever we need. And for (most importantly) keeping up the 2 mornings a week schedule with Peyton - this time spent will surely be fondly remembered as she grows up.
Rich - who has a standing date for the rest of his life - Thursday nights with "his girls." Oh, and who has also kept me from doing that dreaded task of shopping for a bathing suit - ie, he's got a babe covered in Aquatots.
Dave & Jeff - who spent many a late evening here in the early days. Who'd have thought that when a couple of guys get together to watch hockey & drink beer, they'd be happy to take care of the last evening feed AND walk the fussy baby?? And of course, Kerry - who's afternoon visits enabled me to catch some desperately needed zzzzzz's.
The Chaterjees - particularly Jenna, who is pretty much Peyton's best friend - running her around outside and burning off some of that energy makes everyone happy!! Laurie, the (Italian) mother who CANNOT cook for JUST her 4 person family and frequently called to say "I just happened to make too much so Jenna's running it over" Oh, and the wonderful clothing, sports and toys hand-me-downs.
Our core group of friends - Tanya, Rich, De, Chantal & Colin - who are probably sick of the "Let's get together - come to OUR house" routine. Really, by accomodating our situation as often as you do, you keep us feeling human - like we can still have a life after 9PM.
Oh, there are so many people who I am leaving out - which is why I shouldn't be writing this at 11:30 PM - but for all of you who have stopped by to help out with a feed or dropped off a wonderful meal...Thank-you. You've all made a difference.

Our terrific girls:

And...another montage. Have you got 8 minutes to spare?? Sorry if the music puts you to sleep....