Tuesday, August 29, 2006

ahhhh...Holidays :)

So we're into week 2 of Paul's holidays (which means, of course, I am on holidays too.)

MAN, could I get used to this!

We have a list of a pile of things we intended to get done, but for some reason, not much is being knocked off!

Loads and loads of QT with the kids is at the top of the list, and of course, that's happening!

Paul & I took Peyton & Tristan (along with our good friends and neighbours - Laurie, Jenna & Mitchell) to La Ronde in Montreal on Friday - what a HOOT! Peyton loved the rides and I think she'll easily become her daddy's ride partner (when she gets a little taller, anyway.) In the meantime, Oh-My-Gosh, did Tristan & Jenna keep up! And even Mitchell did his first adult roller coaster ride (with his mom TURNING her back as she couldn't watch - "They did not sit *MY* BABY on the end, oh no they didn't" said Laurie!) Tristan is JUST at that height requirement to be allowed on all the adult rides, and she didn't say no to ANYTHING!

Here's a blurry pic of them coming in from one roller coaster...
All in all, it was a fantastic day - the kids beamed with excitement, and little Miss THANG was great. The twins stayed home with Paul's parents and my mom splitting shifts - and honestly, we barely paid them a thought. Is that bad?? NAH! They were in great hands!! :)

Paul's been doing a few "around the house" stuff - painting the girl's bathroom, repainting ours (I like the color now, sweetie!!) We plan to go to Papanack Zoo tomorrow - and take the twins along, so we'll see how that goes.

Sunday was a way busy day for us - we had Paul's highschool buddies + spouses and kids over for a playdate & lunch in the afternoon, then we hosted a dinner for some visiting relatives of mine.
In town was my cousin Karen from Thunder Bay, along with husband Joe and OH-MY-GOSH 23 year old Alana (where the hell does time go!?!) Alana's recently started her nursing career at the QC hospital, and her parents came down to check out her new digs. It was so great to see Karen again - I have such wonderful & fond memories of spending many Christmases at my aunt Glenna's house in North Bay - sigh. My mom made a feast of a meal, and Deb's family was out to enjoy the company too. A quick game of Poker, and I believe it was Joe & Mom who came out first & second (though I don't know which order.) Fun, fun times. And no, we DON'T play poker ALL the time!!

Oh! In other news, I'm thrilled to report that Christi & Matthew had a baby GIRL on Saturday!! Welcome to her second born, Valerie!!! Remember Christi? From my wedding??
Here she is....

We're so happy for you Christi - only wish you were closer :(
Matt & Christi moved to Northern BC almost 3 years ago, shortly after Vivian was born. Pics of the latest arrival, Valerie (or V2!) can be found on Christi's blog...
http://woodyaya4.spaces.live.com/ - wow, she's a big, healthy babe!

Well, Leah & Paige are doing very well, growing by the day. We're getting lots of belly laughs and flirting - you know, all the great things! They just turned 5 months old, and MY GOD! What a WONDERFUL AGE! I can seriously say that I barely recall those first few weeks of, well, mayhem! Almost ready to do it again! Not!

OK - signing off with a video recorded just a few minutes ago -
disclaimer - no baby/child was disturbed during the recording of this video
(now why would I want to do that??)


Have a(nother) great LONG WEEKEND, everyone! Time to put away those white shoes!

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