OK - I've just posted a few dozen photos, so that should hold everyone for a little while, right?
Things have been just NUTS around here as we celebrated the big birthday, Easter, then Chantal's Baby Shower (you can all now call me Martha as I spent far too many hours baking cookies - and De has photo evidence!) And, of course, prep for my return to work. April - no. MARCH & April just flew by!
So first, the girls.
Paige is walking!
Finally! (Paige)
She "officially" started about a week & a half ago - but the three weeks prior she was testing herself by taking...oh, say 3 steps at a time. In the 10-ish days that she's been upright, she's perfected the skill, and we've graduated to running. Joy.
Best way to describe her? She's a CLOWN! And a trouble maker - like, seriously. She mimics everything (especially Peyton) and she's a little daredevil - not afraid of anything. She is SO like Peyton - in both appearance, and personality. We do indeed have twins in this household, and their names are Peyton & Paige.
Physically, she's about 22Lbs now, 1/2 lb behind Leah - but she appears and FEELS so much smaller. She's got a pile of teeth - I'm thinking maybe 7? And she is a biter. In a bad way. We think it's her way of dishing out affection. Nice, huh?
Leah is not quite walking yet. Maybe within the month...? She is cruising around holding furniture, walls or pushing chairs, but she hasn't braved a step on her own yet. I still think of her as our gentle giant. She is SO a mommy's girl - she loves to cuddle and snuggle. She's still SERIOUSLY sensitive - she'll be social and happy, as long as someone she knows is within sight. But surrounded by a bunch of unfamiliar faces sets her in a panic. 22.5 lbs - she's long and lanky with a crazy amount of meat on her thighs (lucky girl - ha!) She's fairer of the two, less hair (but catching up) and like her persona, her skin is incredibly sensitive too. I think I spend more time moisturizing her face than I do my own!
Paige is Peyton's biggest fan - following her everywhere and believing that she can do whatever Peyton can do. Leah plays a little more independently. She will hang out with the other two, but gets scared off by how rough her sisters can be. And they do play rough! Needless to say, it's all about "the play" in this household, and everyone's at such a great age - we have lots of fun. And now that summer is here - well these kids will be LIVING outside - we've been couped up for far too long.
Off the topic of kids - I am back at work. Started back yesterday. And it's okay - so far (ha!) Our daycare situation is fantastic, which makes ALL the difference in the world. I truly didn't think of the kids more than a small handful of times today. Because I knew that (a) they're in great hands (b) they're not missing me. My mom does Tuesdays (with Paul's parents stopping in as much as they can) and we have a nanny - Rachel, who's here Wednesday through Friday. She'll be fulltime (tues - fri) come August, but for the time being, we're easing everyone into this arrangement slowly.
I've started back at our most busiest time of the month cycle, so I haven't had many moments to think about the fact that I'm not with the girls - it's all good.
In other (baby) news...
Chantal & Colin are 3 weeks away from being due with their first baby (can't wait!!)
And Erin & Peter are expecting!! Their little bundle is due at the end of October - grandchild # 4 for Paul's parents. And we're beyond thrilled.
Finally - Vicki & Gord are expecting their first in early October - how hard they've worked to get this little one - I love hearing success stories of this nature.
All these new babies! Makes our decision to stop at three a billion times easier. Well, that and the possibility of another set of twins. Seriously.
On that note - hope everyone is well! Come by anytime - you KNOW we love visitors!
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