Our last day in Cape Breton (Saturday) was the much anticipated town parade.
Paul & I have always chosen the week of "chestico days" to go to Port Hood. It's their annual celebration, that includes:
-daily parking lot ceilidhs
-lobster dinners
-horse races
-boat parade
-sand sculpting contests
-fireworks AND
a parade.
The parade is a cheesy little affair where (it seems) anyone and everyone can enter their "float" or vehicle or horse or dirt bike or whatever, and they parade down the main street to the arena, throwing candies at the kids (big and small.) Cheesy, but we've always loved it. Paul particularly loved the years when he and whoever was out (Rich, Colin & Chantal, one year Peter) would AMBUSH the Jr. Life Guard float - with powerful water weapons that were carefully chosen prior to leaving Ottawa. BUT, the Junior lifeguards of the "fun" era are no more - they've all grown up and we didn't see any of them this year. (just missed Allie by a couple of hours!)
So that Saturday morning we woke up to not-so-nice weather. Rich & De took the kids down to the park while Paul & I hit the local gift shop.
We hooked up with the crew around 11AM and grabbed our spot by the arena. As always, the parade was late, and we spent the better part of 30 minutes trying to keep the kids entertained. But finally, the parade came by. And because there were moving vehicles in close proximity, we had our hands/eyes on the kids, and there are no photos.
Rich, De, thing one & two walking to our spot:
When the parade was over, we went to the arena for a barbeque, and the Mitch MacDonald rally (who, btw did not win CDN idol last week.)
Peyton sat on a horse...
...that bit Paul's foot (he's okay. ha.)
Peyton looking WAY grown up:
After having a bite to eat, we went back to the cottage and captured some photos on the deck:
(I think this is my fave!)
With Rich & De:
OK, and one with us too:
Then we decided to hit the beach one last time. It definitely was not warm enough to put on the swim suits (if I recall, it was actually spitting rain at times) but regardless, the girls were ripping to go.
The final walk down :(
Bea making her way through the sand dunes, with Paige coming up the rear:
Paigers skipping through the dunes:
And Missy Peyton with her beloved JD (Joc/Dave):
So yucky skies, but great for photos, and here's what we did:
And that concludes our wonderful trip. Saturday night was uneventful - we packed and organized, and Rich & De managed to slip out to go to the dance (and got in oh-so-late!)
The ride back was equally horrible to the ride there - that little sweet angel face Paige made sure that everyone knew she wasn't happy, and at times I wasn't sure we'd make it! But we did, and the memories are (mostly) fond now.
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