Sunday, April 30, 2006

Loving this weather.

Well, I guess I jinxed a good night of sleep last night when I spoke too much yesterday about how I felt maybe their overnight feeding schedule was stretching out. Ya, not going to happen - Paige was a hungry little one and actually had me up within an hour of lying down last night - each time. Ugh. But Paul & Peyton let me have a 2 hour snooze this AM, so the day wont be too blurry...a good thing, as it's so nice outside!
Yesterday, Paul, along with a pile of neighbours and friends, assembled a play structure in the backyard for Peyton - I'll get pictures up of it this afternoon.
Our neighbour giggled that at one point, she actually saw FIVE MEN LOOKING at assembly instructions! Unbelievable! I wish I had a picture of that as proof! What's next, asking for directions when navigating through Montreal?? But in all seriousness, they did a fantastic job and now our biggest challenge will be getting Peyton to come back in the house.
Spring is such a wonderful time to have a baby. Well, aside from the fact that I'm in no shape to put on a pair of shorts anytime soon - but as I write this, the babes are bundled up and snoozing in the backyard with their dad and big sis. Fresh air lends to great sleeping, I think...
We missed Peyton's gymnastic class this morning - a late night last night (hockey) coupled with a bad feeding night (Paige) and my two hour snooze this morning - Paul went out to get some Timmies this morning at around 10AM, and when he was dressing Peyton, it struck us both that we forgot all about the class! Oops! Next week.

Well, I've got to tackle some housework so I can get out and enjoy some of the afternoon, but will post pics a bit later.


Saturday, April 29, 2006

OK - what you really want to see.

Enough chat. Here are the goods - I'll try to update often :)


With Grandma, April 18

Asleep - April 17

With Chantal & Colin - Good Friday

With Mommy - ah yes, I am tired. (April 10)

A visit from Tracy, Good Friday

Awake & Alert - April 21

Our first sweetie!

What a great way to end this post. Restfully at sleep, on their one month birthday (April 28.)

First Post

OK - so we've decided to set up this blog and share our daily life/routine with everybody. The twins are now a month old (as of yesterday!) and I get the feeling a lot of people are sort of stand-offish with us because they think we're swamped and have no time.

Well, they're right :)

Except - we LOVE company! You see, whenever someone phones and asks "is now an okay time for a visit??" the answer is ALWAYS "Oh my God, yes! Your timing is perfect!" And today, I realized why the timing is always perfect - it seems there's ALWAYS use for an extra set of arms. You know, so I could do something else, like fold laundry, or brush my teeth!

So I'll start off with a couple of pictures:

Our # 1 Princess, the child we're currently experiencing the (ahem) terrific two's with!

Peyton Maya - February 4, 2004.

Our "middle" child - the most easy-going baby there ever was...

Leah Caitlyn - March 28, 2006

Finally, our baby - enough said ;)

Paige Emily - March 28, 2006

So these two new little beings have been with us a month now (a month old yesterday!) and we seriously don't know where the time has gone! I could write for hours about what has happened over the last 4.5 weeks, but really, all it boils down to is this:

Feed. Burp. Change. Change again. Oops, burp wasn't good enough and spit up everywhere - must change clothes. "WOOSH!" Ugh. Change again. Cuddle/Rock/Kiss. 30 minute break. Repeat.

OK - so maybe it's not like that ALL the time, but it sometimes feels like it! Of course, there are other things that need to be done too, like feed Peyton and what needless to say, we get virtually NO down time. But man! Have we learned to fall asleep quickly (or maybe we're just THAT tired!!)

But as we approach that magical number of SIX weeks, I think I can say we're starting to see the light of day. Our girls aren't fussy at all - in fact, they're exceptionally good babies (and I should know - Peyton was good as gold) but we're REALLY looking forward to the nighttime feedings stretching out. Just a little bit. Like, 4 hours would be fantastic. And some nights, I feel like that's where we're heading.

We really can't complain - lots of support and help from just about everyone has completely enabled us to live as normal a life as possible. My mom has pretty much moved in - she's with us Monday through Friday from 8AM through 5PM, or 6PM, or until whenever we need her. Others have been kind with making casseroles, or bringing over freshly made meals. Others have taken Peyton off our hands for an hour here or there. And some have just come by for an hour (or 8!) to rock a baby, or just be that extra set of hands in the household from time to time. And boy do we appreciate it - everything.

So the twins stats:
Leah - born 6lbs, 5 oz - at one month, she's weighing in at 8lbs, 3.5 oz!
Paige - born 5lbs, 14 oz - at one month, she's a hefty 7lbs, 13.5 oz!
Can you believe it? 2 POUNDS in one month! Someone told me that once they get to around 10 pounds, they'll sleep through the night. I don't remember with Peyton - she started at around 7-8 weeks...and I am sort of hoping these guys will be about the same. Ah, it's ALL about the sleep (or lack there-of!)

Leah is very sweet natured, and very rarely complains. Except during bath time - she's not fond of being naked. But otherwise, most of our company complains that they never hold her - but that's mainly because she's extremely content, and quietly naps the day away wherever we place her . She's had a bit of a rough time with a pile of skin issues - infant acne, since about 2 wks old, and more recently she developed cradle cap. A nasty case too - in fact, so bad that we brought her to the clinic earlier this week to make sure it wasn't something more serious. But a bit of cortizone cleared it up. I noticed today just how much hair she's lost since birth - she's pretty much bald up top now, and her daddy's nicknamed her "Baldilocks." But, of course, she still looks like a little angel.

Paige is our little cherub - rounded face with big full lips. She too is sweet natured, but not quite as easy going as her bigger sis. She's been (I hate to use the word) spoiled with handling, and quite likes it. But who wouldn't choose being rocked over sitting in a bouncy chair by yourself?? She a little more short on patience, and as such, she is the one you'll most likely be holding (or pacing with, doing the baby-dance with) when you come to visit. But don't get me wrong - she's still very easy going - just a little more demanding! She's started (just this week) rewarding us with big ear to ear grins, so it's all good :)