Monday, December 21, 2009

My Decade in Review

I heard the local radio station doing this today, so during my commute home, I thought about all that I've done in the past 10 years....lots, really :)

Dec 31, 1999:
- I was living on my own in my first home in Barrhaven
- I had JUST started working at Manta (aka Halogen) software
- I was single ;)
- I was 27 years old
- I, like others, chose to have a quiet night ringing in the year Y2K - I celebrated with my mom

May, 2000
- with a loan from mom, I moved into a funky condo in Kanata Lakes

July, 2000
- on the same day my employer did massive layoffs (I was spared) I received a phone call from High Road offering me employment. I accepted before hearing the salary/benefits (oops) - I left many good friends I had made along the way

December, 2000
- the friends, from above, asked the new kid on the block (Paul) if he would take me to the Christmas party; he agreed to get me in the door and that's it
- party happens, guy was actually nice and I offered to drive him home (ya, he lived in Orleans to my Kanata. ugh)
- next night, he called and asked for a real date...
(it's worth noting here that the evening before this party, I was in Kingston at my own Christmas party where the drinks were flowing nicely - and the entire ride back home the next day, I whined and bitched about how I didn't feel like going out that night.)

Summer, 2001
- Paul introduces me to Heaven on Earth...I fall seriously in love with Port Hood, Cape Breton and vow to come again - over and over.

October, 2001
- We buy a vehicle together (pathfinder)

December, 2001
- after a particularly hairy day at work on a Friday evening at Paul's house, he advises me we'll be decorating the Christmas tree that night.
- I reluctantly agree (was beat from work) and after making a best attempt to make a Charlie Brown tree look good, I finally put the angel up on top...but oh, I didn't fit right because there was a package with a diamond ring shoved up her butt.

- I said yes...of course :)

Spring, 2002
- we decide on a destination wedding, pick a date and get everyone onboard and planning
- I sell my condo in Kanata and move out to Orleans

Summer, 2002
- a visit out to Port Hood again...seriously rethinking our destination choice

January 27, 2003
- we (and 40 of our close friends/family) fly down to Cancun, Mexico

January 30, 2003
- we say "I do!"

February 22, 2003
- we throw a great party (reception) on a night where there was a tremendous snow storm - and almost EVERYONE makes it, despite the weather :)

March 2003
- I seriously surprise Paul when I actually agree to purchase our "forever" home out in the east end

July, 2003
- Paul convinces me to take a home pregnancy test after about a month of listening to me complain about how awful I felt
- I eventually cave, test and OMG - could it be?
- an ultrasound the following week reveals YES! Like, 9 weeks!! (duh!) Estimated Due Date = February 13, 2004

- off to Cape Breton again, but icky this time as I am irritable and barfy.

October 16, 2003
- we move into our home!!

January 31, 2004
- Paul's birthday, and we're at the High Risk Unit at the Civic attempting to get my breach baby to flip; baby doesn't cooperate, c-section is scheduled

February 4, 2004
- IT'S A GIRL - Peyton Maya; 7lbs, 2 oz at 9:10 AM. 10 fingers, 10 toes and we fall desperately in love

November 2004
- Paul is "re-structured" out of Halogen, but bounces quickly and lands a job at Bell

March 2005
- I return to work at HRC

April 2005
- OMG we bought a mini-van

July 2005
- off to Cape Breton again; this time to have Peyton dip her little toes in the ocean for the first time
- we learned that OOPS we did it again: estimated due date = April 12, 2006 (Grandma's birthday!)

August/September 2005
- naseau is awful and crippling....I am irritable and hate everyone/everything.

October 2005
- IPS ultrasound...Paul's words "Pardon fucking me? What do you mean you see two heads? Is this your first day on the job??"

end of January 2006
- Dr. says enough is enough - I'm only 29 weeks but measuring 40, so time to slow down
- c-section is scheduled for end of March

Friday March 17, 2006
- we go out to Boston Pizza with the Gunns, Peyton's climbing on me like I am a play structure, but I feel good.

Saturday March 18, 2006
- I am done. over...finished. Really want this pregnancy over with because I can no longer bend to pick a cheerio up off the floor. My feet look like watermelons (well, apparently, 'cause I can't see them!) , I can't sleep comfortably in any position, the babies are so big that they don't move much anymore and that distresses me more, nothing fits me and I'm living in a pair of ugly jogging pants with no shirt fitting properly over my belly.

Unfortunately, I had to carry for a week and a half later....and lucky me, all they did during those last 10 days was GROW!

March 26, 2006
- IT'S A GIRL - Leah Caitlin; 6lbs, 4oz at around 11:00 AM.

- IT'S A GIRL - Paige Emily; 5lbs, 14oz about 2 minutes later

- both babes are declared healthy, and we bring them home 3 days later

April 3, 2006
- Calvin the sexy cat is re-homed (and happy, I might add.)

The next 6 - 12 months are a serious blur, but I have a ton of pictures (thank God.)
And we all, thankfully, survived.

September 2006
- despite me tearfully standing at the door saying - "are we absolutely sure about this??" - Paul pays a visit to Dr. Weiss.

April 2007
- I return to work, 4 days a week at HRC

October/November 2007
- I accept a new job at VTH and resign from HRC
- working full time, again

July/August 2008
- back to Port Hood again and this time the twins get to dip their toes in the ocean for the first time (and sadly, this is our last time going out east - though we will go back again one day)

November 2008
- Paul and I spend our first 4 day weekend away from the kids...was okay until the last day, and then maybe there were some tears :)

Summer 2009
- we rent a cottage in Georgian Bay and learn that there *is* indeed life after Port Hood.

...which brings us to the present.

In December 2009:
- I've just turned 37, Paul's approaching 40, Peyton will be 6, and the twins are 3.5
- Paul's still at Bell; I'm at VTH and Peyton's in SK. The twins will be starting school next September
- We still have a wonderful network of very caring and selfless friends, neighbours and family
- Life is...slowing down, thankfully, as the kids mature and become a bit more independant
- We're planning a New Year's Eve of staying in and doing nothing!! Doesn't that sound fab? It does to me
- We're in the final stages of planning our first Disney Trip, in January (Shhhh, it's a secret and the girls will find out Christmas day!)

Monday, April 06, 2009

Leah & Paige turn THREE

Unbelievable, but true - they've left the terrible twos and moved on to the rotten threes!
Here are some pics of the celebration(s):

First, with Rich & De - a couple of weeks ago. De made them each their own cake - beautiful & taste (she was practising working with fondant for Colin's boob cake, but that's another story.)

Then we had their "main" party yesterday:


OK, so I bought the movie right after Christmas - this was videotaped at the end of January. It's now two month's later - can you imagine how much better they are now?? They know every song, it's nuts. More video will come soon enough, but in the meantime, please enjoy my Dancing Queens.

Jan_Feb_Mar 2009

So yeah, where does time go?

My excuses for not updating:
- January was a crazy working month - if I had a spare moment at home, I did not want to sit in front of a computer screen
- I got sucked into two series of books
- My super duper camera lens was broken and out for repair and I didn't feel like taking pics with the standard lens
- I have three small kids.

Forgive me?

Here's what we've been up to:

We rang in the New Year with some of our close friends (and, oh, 15 + children)

Peyton managed to stay up until midnight...

We couldn't say the same about Sydney...

and proof we were alive and well the next morning:

A night of cheer, poker and hockey - and the best part was that Rich stayed over and got up with the girls on New Year's Day. Seriously? We got to sleep in on New Year's Day - unheard of.

OK, and into January...I came home from work in late January to find the kids playing in the front yard:

and Peyton spotted something on the house across the street...

"it's a owl, mommy!"

Then Peyton's birthmonth came (sigh. birthday party w/ Rich and De; birthday party with family/friends; birthday party with school friends)

One beautiful Sunday afternoon in February we joined Erin & Peter (and Nolan!!) down on the Canal for skating, Beavertails and hot chocolate....

A couple of weekends in March, Paul & Rich brought the girls to public swimming - so here they are in their swimsuits for the first time this year:

Oh, and back to January again (as I dug up my alternate camera) and here are some photos of the crew at the Sens skill competition...Paul's bound and determined to make hockey fans of them all!