Monday, June 05, 2006

The Zombies have LEFT the building!!!

Things are going great – really great. Finally, I might add!

I will admit, this hasn’t been easy. In fact, Paul & I will both say that the first 8ish weeks of the girl’s life have been by far the most difficult of our entire lives. From the severe sleep deprivation, to the constant state of chaos (and never ending list of things to do, that HAVE to be done) to the absolutely BRUTAL "evening fussiness" it’s been a challenge – we’ve been tested, that’s for sure. Despite all the help we’ve been getting (and there’s been a lot) there’ve been some times where we thought we just couldn’t take anymore.

And then, it all turned. Almost overnight. They sleep much better overnight – just one feed, so we’re seeing 5 consecutive hours of sleep, then often another 2-3 hours. They nap better during the day, so we’re able to accomplish more of the other things that need to get done (including QT with the big sis) and best of all, the "evening fussiness" just. magically. stopped.

So our well-rested, better relaxed selves are coping with this new life of ours much better, and we’re even beginning to enjoy it again! That’s definitely not to say that things are easy, by any standard, but we’re managing much better and really, really enjoying our little girlies. All three of them.

You know, Peyton really didn’t prepare us for what REAL parenthood truly was all about. She was SUCH an easy baby, and integrated so seamlessly into our lives, we didn’t miss a beat. So now, when an invite gets thrown our way, it’s really odd to know that there’s so much more planning that needs to be done – we can’t simply pack up THREE little ones and just go anywhere. Strange, and humbling. But I’m REALLY not complaining at all – I like this life we’ve got now, I really do – it’s just very VERY different from the life we had pre-twins.

Well enough about us – about the twins…they had their TWO MONTH appointment last week, and here are the stats: Leah weighed in at 10lbs, 6oz; Paige continues to be about ½ pound smaller, at 9lbs, 15oz. Our girls are growing at an amazing pace! And they’re entering such a great stage. They’re both so interactive, with lots of cooing, smiling and eye contact – the two just melt your heart. Strange, but they don’t like outings. I know they hate their carseats, so trips to the grocery store or wherever are typically spent trying to soothe at least one of them. But I’ve recently also discovered that they’re not too fond of the stroller too. I can’t say that I’ve EVER heard of babies like this – I thought the general rule of thumb was that if you had a fussy baby, you take them for a car ride, or a walk and the change of scenery and pace will calm them. Well, not our babies. They’re happiest just hanging out at home – and THAT I find difficult, because of course in my attempt to regain something close to the body I had pre-twins, I would love to get out walking more. Unfortunately, a walk is a very stressful event, because at least one twin will inevitably be screaming at any given time. Not nice. They do, however, love the snugglies, so Paul & I try to get out on the nice evenings and wear them around. Tonight we went out to the lake and visited with all the new little ducklings. There’ve got to be a few dozen duck families out there – it’s crazy! And Peyton loves to visit them.

Well, that’s the update for now. It’s all good, and I’m told in another month, it’ll be even better.

As always, we love visitors and company – we can always use the extra hands in the household so call us up and drop on by anytime!

I’ll try to update again very soon.

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