Monday, January 29, 2007

Proof that she's not mine.

This morning as I was changing Leah, from behind me Peyton says:

"It was chocolate, mommy."

"Huh?" I ask.

"It was chocolate. On the bottom of my foot," she replied.

Silent moment as I'm trying to digest what she's talking about.

"Um, Peyton?" I ask. "Where did you put this chocolate?"

"In my mouth. It was only chocolate, mom."

She must've been switched at the hospital in error. NO child of mine would pick something brown off her foot and put it in her mouth!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

awww there all getting so big now... we have to arrange a day and me and mom will come and visit if thats fine with you.time has gone by so quick the last time i saw the girls they were 5 months.And now there already a year.
talk to you soon since your starting back at work

Jenn Gauthier